Monday, May 04, 2009

Not-So-Merry Maids

Thank goodness for our dear friend Sara who was willing to come help clean up ground zero at our old house after our renters moved out. It's amazing what 20-something guys consider clean. Take a look for yourself and see the magic we worked. We did need a chemical rinse when we left... I'm pretty sure the swine flu was harvesting there.

I don't have after pictures for these, but wow...


designHER Momma said...

pigs - pigs I tell you! So did you keep the deposit? Tell me you had a deposit...

Nottingham Family said...

Oh how I wish we had, but they are friends. Yep, you heard me. I'm pretty sure Josh did decide to charge them, though. Nasty, huh?!

Lauren said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! That is so disgusting- I would be so embarrassed to leave a house that nasty! Does this mean you've sold your house?
UGH! That sink and toilet!!! Swine flu fo-sho!

Sara and JC Trombley said...

I am still having nightmares about the carpet and toilets. And I can still smell the disgusting rotten food in the sink!