Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Being with family is, of course, one of the greatest parts of celebrating Christmas. Due to many different circumstances, we saw no extended family on Christmas Day! We celebrated early with my family and late with Josh's. It was actually quite nice to have the kids just be at home and go at our own pace without any worries of packing bags or rushing off somewhere.
The kids got up and were surprised with their one big gift- a new table and chairs with art supplies for the play room!
And a tasty breakfast of monkey bread...
Then the stocking explosion! We mostly just do lots of fun stocking stuffers for everyone and enjoy opening lots of little things. The kids are into quantity over quality if you're pickin' up what I'm puttin' down. :)
Happy Birthday cupcakes- Reese the dinosaur enthusiast specifically requested that we make parasaurolophus cupcakes. Only the best for Jesus! ;)

And Lincoln's gift from Grammie Bev bearing his best nickname- Lincoln Logs!

1 comment:

Sara and JC Trombley said...

I can't believe you just updated 10 times! Did that take 10 hours?